Time flies!

August 28, 2014
I actually checked my last post and it was from 2012?  O my!  I had my baby girl September 2012. so with 2 kids and music teaching, I actually haven't had time to write my blog at all.  Now that my little one is turning two, I think I can devote more time again to my piano studio.  Since the last time I wrote, I also fully completed my Music For Young Children training - level 3 which means I am now able to teach all the levels of the program.  I recently went to a teacher conference and I am truly convinced and want to share with all of you that MYC is a well-rounded musicianship program for young children, and it fosters good parent-child relationship.  I am looking forward to another year of FUN music teaching and I am so proud of each and every one of my students.  Some of my students are returning to the program for the third year, which means they are now role models for the younger ones starting out this year at ages 5-6.  Enjoy the September long weekend and good luck with all the new transitions that everyone is going through this Fall.

Happy Thanksgiving!

October 7, 2012
I am so grateful this year for having the arrival of my daughter in September to spend thanksgiving with us and thankful for having all my wonderful piano students this year.  I have more than doubled class sizes this year and I look forward to a wonderful year in making music together with each of them.  I hope all of you will enjoy spending time family and loved ones this weekend.


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It's Registration Time again!

August 17, 2012
It' approaching end of summer and it's time to Register our kids into programs and activities for the upcoming school year.  I am running Music for Young Children classes this year for kids 5-9.  Weekends and Evening Classes available.  Any referrals would be greatly appreciated.

Group lessons help students develop the positive attitudes and skills needed for collaboration, leadership and peer acceptance. Need a few more reasons to try out an MYC class? Read this article from BBC about gro...

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Year End Piano Recital

July 4, 2012

My piano students had their first public piano recital at Extendicare - Eaux Claires Senior Centre on June 30, 2012.   There were about 20 seniors who enjoyed our performance and our company. Each student did a great job performing and they handed out an origami bird to each senior. I was told by a family relative that seniors really enjoy listening to music, even if they don't remember the name of the song, the familiar tunes soothes them and brings back good memories. I hope this was a me...

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Year end recital is coming up!

June 12, 2012

We have almost completed lessons for the year.  My students have improved so much and now they are getting ready for their year end recital at the end of the month.  I have chosen to do something a little different this year.  We are going to be performing at a senior home in my community. I am hoping this will make my students interested in doing volunteer work in the future.  Wish us luck!

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A New Year!

January 26, 2012

Time has gone by so fast and now we are into 2012 and year of the Dragon.  I am so happy to watch my students progress in the music knowledge and I am so looking forward to our recital this weekend.  I wish everyone good health and good luck in 2012. 

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Canadian Children’s Arts Tax Credit (CATC)

October 6, 2011
"Did you know that the government of Canada has Canadian Children’s Arts Tax Credit (CATC) available for classes like MYC? Many programs that focus on artistic and cultural activities would qualify for the tax credit.   And now the time of the year to think about enrolling our children in extracurricular activities for the upcoming school year.  Please visit the Canada Revenue website for more information.   http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/gncy/bdgt/2011/qa01-eng.html"
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The Mozart Effect

October 6, 2011
I find this research interesting and I wanted to share with all of you.  =)


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