Online Piano Classes

Posted by Maggie Fung on Sunday, August 2, 2020 Under: Studio Updates
Online piano lessons started in March and it has been going very well.  My students adapted so quickly with lessons through zoom and we didn't skip a bit.  Introverted students actually blossomed even more during this time with distant learning.  We even had an online recital as each student recorded their piano performance and we held a live session and watched it altogether.  

My studio adaptation including adopting new technology and equipment for video lessons with ease.  I am equipped with fiber optics Internet  for smooth connection.  Lessons are carried out via zoom and I use at least 2 mobile devices to teach.  This ensures I am showing my face on screen plus a second screen for demonstrations on keyboard/white board etc. New incentives are always in the works. I started adopting virtual stickers and continue to explore ways to keep students motivated to learn.

Lastly, a huge congratulations to my Sunbeams 3 graduates, who will move onto Moonbeams 3 and work towards an RCM level 1 exam in 2021.

In : Studio Updates 

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